Our Statement of Faith

Michael & Carol Howard

“We are committed to serving people,
while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ”


God – There is only one God, He always was and always will be. He reveals Himself to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God as Father – God as “our Father in Heaven” is our Deliverer, our Healer, and Provider.  He is Father to the fatherless and the One to whom we pray.

God as SonJesus Christ created all things in the beginning.  He later came to earth to purchase mankind back as our Redeemer (through His death, burial, and resurrection), restoring the relationship with God for all who believe in Him.

God as Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit draws all people to Jesus Christ, resides in all who receive Christ as their Savior, and guides children of God through life’s journey to Heaven.

Bible – The Bible is God’s Word for mankind, illuminated by the Holy Spirit.  It contains everything needed for life and godliness.  It is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path.  God’s Word is also the sword of the Spirit, our only offensive weapon in the full armor of God, to stand against the devil’s temptations and attacks.

Man – God created man, both male and female, in His own likeness and image.  Man was given the earth to rule over and subdue, but chose to disobey and fell short of the glory of God, becoming spiritually separated from God.

Salvation – Mankind has been separated from God by sin and the wages of sin is death, but Jesus died on our behalf that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.  Salvation is a gift of God’s grace, through our faith in Jesus Christ, that comes with God’s assurance that we know we have eternal life and that no one can remove us from the security of His hand.

Baptism – Baptism is a demonstration of what has spiritually taken place in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ, identifying with Christ’s death (to our old ways), burial (down into the water), and resurrection (up from the water).  Baptism represents both Christ resurrection from the tomb and the resurrection of all believers yet to come.

Church – The church is the body of Christ working together to spread the message of salvation and to equip God’s people for service in the kingdom.

Stewardship – Everything that we are and posses come from God and have been given to us to care for while we’re on this earth.  We give back to God’s work through the local church so that the message of salvation through Jesus Christ may multiply across the land.

Kingdom of Heaven – In Christ we are members of the kingdom of God, yet are presently walking on this earth as strangers and aliens in a foreign land, eagerly looking forward to the coming kingdom at the end of this age with the return of Jesus Christ.

Weekly Message